Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Morning Worship
December 22, 2024
11:00 AM ET
Preacher: Rev. Adriene Thorne
An event every week that begins at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, repeating until October 30, 2024
Short Circles are two to three week classes, held on Zoom and led by Riverside clergy and ministerial staff. These classes will allow our Riverside community to connect around various topics and themes, deepening their faith and spirituality, and getting to know one another and the Riverside clergy team.
While it’s common to gather for church one hour a week, people around the world spend over seven billion hours a week watching content on YouTube. What could we learn about faith and spirituality if we look at some of the most popular YouTube content with theological lenses? In this two week class we will invite YouTube videos to step into the pulpit as we explore and discuss the theological implications in our lives and in our world. (TLDR: Let’s watch YouTube videos and talk about progressive theology and spirituality!)